Friday 10 September 2010


When your haste
Becomes your problem.
And your promptness
A weakness.
When actions
Lack due considerations,
And decisions
reached in a jiffy.
You will hear
The voice say.
And in conclusion,
He wails,
'Be still,and know,
I am God'

Tuesday 7 September 2010


Most times,
We read what we don't know.
We're in a hurry to be on the go,
With the assumption that we have known.
Just for a moment,
If we take a deeper thought,
Then we realise,
That we've picked up
The pollen grain without
Sucking the sweet juice.
What understanding does
To the life of a man!


Even in your gifting,you must show discipline.No ore is usable until it has been purified!

Saturday 4 September 2010


If you're not in the place of your calling,you will join the rat race of desperate people!



His mysteries surpass

Mental Understanding.

‘In preservation,

They were enslaved.

In locust and honey,

He was beheaded.

In an open heaven,

He was stoned to death.

In acceptable sacrifice,

He was murdered’.

Who can interpret His motives?

Who can assign meanings to His conclusions?

His grace makes no sense

To a rational Being.

‘From idolatry,

He carried the seed.

From adultery,

A link to Kingship.

From prostitution,

She found genealogy.

From a persecutor,

He became a cupbearer’.

Who can answer His questions?

Who can correct His Word?

His ends are sweeter

Than honey.

‘In walk,

He was translated.

After the flood,

He multiplied.

Prepared for the gallows,

But he rebuilt the wall.

Hung like a criminal,

And He saved mankind.’

His way is the pathway to life.

His instructions,

Peace made perfect.


Preservation has a painful side,but it's benefits are life saving!

Friday 3 September 2010


When you take a step,you face a test.Don't protest,it's for your best!


You don't get people's attention by being an incessant critic.Most critics never profer solutions.Sometimes,it is a creation of cacophony to achieve personal gains.There is a time to tear down,and a time to build.If your philosophy only imbibes the first,you're not an honest person.

Thursday 2 September 2010


When the clouds of life blind the mind,
And the vision appears opaque.
When all that you have dreamt of
Become like a fiction,
And your expectation a fairytale.
Look inward!
Look beyond the balcony
Of the foggy soul.
Break into your spirit.
The candle of the Lord
Will bring illumination.

Wednesday 1 September 2010


 If it takes a conventional commitment to dig deep the foundation of my beginning,so be it.
I am not ready to give excuses for not crossing the line of excellence.Welcome to my blog.