Saturday 29 October 2011

A while!

 When you commit spirit, soul and body to your calling, things at first may appear to be stagnant. Your importunity will pay off, not just at the end but a few steps after the beginning. The beginning may take a while; it is still better facing delay in your divine endeavour to whiling away useful time doing what is not yours. See, you've got to keep moving, if you truly want to get THERE! I dont feel like moving, but I have no option but to MOVE because if I dont move, I will be moved.

Thursday 27 October 2011

Your insistence!

Your insistence on a positive INSIDE will bring about a manifestation of a positive OUTSIDE. Though the rebels of darkness will war against your imagination, your persistence in the line of excellence will mute the volume of distraction.©kenneth nkemnacho


The more I look inward, the stronger I become. The more I look upward, the higher my hope. I will never look around; if I do, I get rounded up. I will never look downward; if I do, I get dizzy.
©kenneth nkemnacho

The Price!

For every purpose proposed, there is a price to pay. You only receive the prize when you pay the price. Paying the price can be so pressing, but you don't get the gain until you are drained. Draining sometimes appear like a bane, until the end, you see you've been bailed. Dont cry my sister! You think you've been framed, but its taking you to a fame!! I will watch you on that rectangular box in a day, inspiring your world till its end. God bless your day. ©kenneth nkemnacho       

Tuesday 25 October 2011


Your insistence on a positive INSIDE will bring about a manifestation of a positive OUTSIDE. Though the rebels of darkness will war against your imagination, your persistence in the line of excellence will mute the volume of distraction.....Kenneth Nkemnacho

Monday 24 October 2011


As a person who was raised in deprivation and rejection, I have never hidden my identity, neither have I ever claimed to be what I’m not. I know we should call things which be not as though they were, but sometimes, I have been guilty of calling things which be as they are. Over forty years ago, when I first felt the atmospheric pressure, pressures have never ceased to be, and they will never cease to be. In spite of life’s sustained pressures, we do understand that the weight on some people may be milder than those on others. What I don’t seem to understand is that those with milder pressures sometimes think that their little laden is as a result of their canny wisdom. As a result, they treat lesser mortals like rubbish bins. As someone who has eaten from the bin, I prefer to handle bins with caution. In dipping my right hand in bins, I have felt gems abandoned in trashes. When I can, I pick cans from the crash and crush, perhaps, I may be able to send them to life’s recycling centres, and then give them the hope that they can live again. A few days ago, a monster from a deluded history tried to crush my spirit. The creature sent some fiery darts from across the Atlantic. He thought he would meet me where he left me. He didn’t realise that as life has moved on, so have I.  I took his weapons and turned them to inspiration; I wrote some lines that would impact a whole generation. Instead of tears, I got stirred. Instead of stress, I got spared. As I tap the buttons of the new age typewriter, I recall with a broken heart those who are in hidden corners of the earth hungry, forsaken, deprived and forgotten. I remember that Jesus fed 5000 men. How many have I fed? How many have I sent away like His disciples wanted to do? How many have I told to go to the neighbouring villages where there are no neighbours? I have a hungry soul. I am a prisoner of conscience. I am a man of no profile but preparing a file, peradventure, that dream will be brokered so that I can fulfil the desires of my inner quest. In my heart, I walk on the streets of Mogadishu. In my inner being, I am strolling in Zanzibar. I see Kampala in my sleep.

As you eat the baked beans; some people eat nothing. As you throw away the expired meal; some people are expiring. As you lose the weight; some people emaciate not by consent but by compulsion. As you throw away those clothes; some people are naked. As you wail in your sitting room to support your football club; some people mourn from days of starvation. The weight of starvation is worse than the weight of a heavy rock. The weight of starvation wails for salvation. I hear the weeping of a child in the hinterland of Africa. I hear the echo as I move closer to a rock. Oh my God, it’s an echo from the bottom of a heavy rock!
kenneth nkemnacho


Thursday 9 June 2011


Kenneth Nkemnacho

Looking at life from two perspectives sometimes make you wonder why one source of breath can produce two contrasting flows. The tap of destiny can be somehow equivocal if you don’t have an in-depth understanding of where your beginning and end is designated. Life always produces a dust until you find the water to condense it. Finding the water is finding true solution to the weights that rest on your shoulders either to bend you to stupor or crack you to death. When that pressure emanates, it never comes with a single touch; it repeatedly knocks you until you conform or contest. If you conform, you become a slave to the garrison of limitation. If you contest, hell breaks loose to scare you to submission until you realise that change does not manifest except by courage. Courage doesn’t mean you’re not scared; it means that even in fear, you keep going till you crash the head of the coward of hell. Courage is a resolution that brings revolution. Courage is a decision that brings emancipation. When threat double crosses you on the road to actualisation, drive on the head of intimidation with total conviction that you will come out wearing the crown of glory. When turbulence seems unending, realise that the day of testimony is at your door step. Don’t buy the idea of defeat even if it appears glaring. Don’t accept the mail of rejection even if you physically signed for it on the Postman’s little electronic box. You may have the letter on your hand, but never have it in your head. The agenda of the forces of diffusion is to reduce the content of your believe until it no longer exist. Let no evil print take the picture of your destination from you. When they throw the ashes at you, wipe your head with the handkerchief soaked in the living water. Pick the bottle containing the oil of joy, and cream your whole body with it. Instead of ashes, let there be beauty. Your beauty will embrace your testimony!

Tuesday 7 June 2011


You're waiting for a miracle to take place before you start doing something for God. The truth is, it will never take place until you start doing something. Preaching prosperity when you already have the money in your pocket is not faith. Faith is when ev...eryone can see that you don't have it, but you keep saying what God says concerning the situation. You don't take a measurement of the wedding gown when the man has come; you take it even if you see no man! Practice driving even if the car is not there. Stand up to walk even if one leg is missing. Pick a Book to read even if both eyes are blind. Prepare for the exams when there is no money to register for it. Write that Book even if no one knows you. Faith is an attitude not an attribute!

Monday 16 May 2011


Kenneth Nkemnacho

I felt so tired and exhausted after the day’s mental joggling. Just like a Priest recently out of the seminary, I said a prayer that sounded more like, ‘Our Father, who art in heaven, and bla bla bla….’ Sometimes, when I say such methodical prayers, I get more inclined to orthodoxies’ rather than conviction.

This particular day, I was drained and drowsy. I needed my wife to lay her righteous hand on my head so that I can have the dream of seeing heaven’s precious gate. She does that all the time I drop off on the bed with little or no strength to say my last daily prayer. I must confess to being an early sleeper but also an early ‘waker’.  No one dare put a movie around 20.00pm and expect Kenneth Azubuike-ogwu Agiriga Nkemnacho to finish it. Thirty minutes into the movie, yours truly will be shakings hands with angels at heaven’s gate. Sometimes, I sit on the dining table chewing a piece of meat but fast asleep. My wife does wonder how I perform such wonders; being inactive yet active in not denying my hungry stomach the delicacy of a well prepared meal.

I must affirm that in my sleep I see! When I see, I truly see. Sometimes, I see directly, and sometimes, I see symbolically. The divine ability to interpret symbols has been a blessing to me. As an abstract-minded person, I love codes and symbols. Codes and symbols excite me, because they require a meditative thinking to unravel.

A table was set before me; two glasses with same liquid. I was to do a product test. My knowledge of applied market and social research was to be tested. Apart from behavioural science, my sense of taste was also to be tested. I was told that taste and test are synonymous. How can taste be a test? I know that a portion of the scroll says, ‘O taste and see that the Lord is good’. Wow! Here comes another code and symbol to be unravelled; taste and see!! A test is a taste and a taste is a sight!!! Your tongue is your taste. Your tongue gives you sight. Your tongue gives you vision. Your tongue gives you illumination.

I drank three-quarter of the content from the Priest cup, and discovered that it had a high concentration. Then I took the cup of one of his members, and realised that it was diluted. I took the Priest’s cup again and finished the content, and noticed that it was again more concentrated. From my observation, I inferred that the content of the cup of a priest is far more concentrated than that of the led.

When you envy the one who sits on the throne, you must also realise the pains of the one who sits on the throne. When you want to swap position with the one who bears the ark, realise that for any error he makes, he gets struck by invisible hands which you cannot see. When you take the pipe from the piper, do you have enough air within to create a good symphony? If you have enough air, do you have enough strength to add force to the wind of melody? The Priest’s cup looks so beautiful but the content is so dutiful. Some people take a duty and make a doo doo, but the Priest takes a doo doo and makes a beauty. Who wants to drink from the content of the Priest’s cup? Who really wants to drink from the content of Priest’s cup?

My taste bud is burning; my thirst is quenching. Ah, I want to see me in me. I don’t want his wine mingled with mine. Add a little water to my cup; let me be what I’m made to be. I can only be purposeful if I drink from my cup of destiny!

Monday 2 May 2011


Kenneth Nkemnacho

The desire to go home burnt in the inner crevices of my heart. ‘I can’t wait to meet my folks’, I sometimes say to myself. I missed home a lot; I missed my mum, I missed my friends, and I missed the craziness of the rumble in the jungle even if it has to be in the ghetto. My love for Eko-Akete can never die. My hunger to see Alagomeji will always remain paramount in my mind. There were times I have dreamt of visiting Molete, though not within my circumference of choices.

The hour came when I stepped on the soil of Lagos Island, full of life and a great message for my folks. I wanted to tell them about the revolution that took place with some physical evolution, but just as I opened the gate to enter, home was hostile. Home was in four stages; the flood, the momentary concert, the insensitive building, and the mixed multitude heading to unknown destination. As I lifted my eyes to look at Campbell Street, it was covered with flood. I couldn’t go to number 60 because there was no way to get there. It was devoid of life, though surrounded by Lion building. When the storms came, the Lions ‘ran fi cover’ guiding their lives jealously without considering the safety of those whose treasure they live on.

Unable to see Sam, I walked back to the hilly road for some respite. Suddenly, I heard a wild symphony filtering from the speakers of a Rasta man. As I went further to see the character trying to create fun in hostility, I beheld a young man gyrating like a larva in an abandoned pond. Like every excitement with no eternal basis, it did not last. People were streaming out from the ground like the waters of Orogodo River; some had clubs on their hands, others had knives and whips, while one was holding a locally made gun. They were all moving like sheep without shepherd; all walking on a broad road heading to unknown destination. They were like wild horses more interested in racing but no clue of their directions and destinations. I was afraid, but my heart was moved with compassion. As I stepped aside and watched, I thought about a generation with incredible speed but incredible end. ‘Speed is only great if it ends in divine purpose’, I said to myself. Out of the crowd, no one asked a question about where they were heading to. Everyone was moving on the path that everyone was going, so, everyone will die when someone dies. ‘Mediocrity never asks questions’, I thought. ‘Mediocrity is where everyone is’, I said quietly to myself.

Entering into the building, I left my leather slippers at the corridor in order to feel the sense of the floor I have missed for so long. The floor was insensitive. It didn’t take much time for me to realise that the sensitivity of a floor is the sensitivity of those who step on it. The floor is only hostile if the inhabitants are hostile. A ground is as fertile as the people who till it. Hostility steals any good thing that is placed on it.

Home is hostile but home can be cleansed if we decide to cleanse ourselves from the impurities of greed that has held us down for so long. There is no purity without holiness. Holiness is not figurative but real. Realities bite, but they bite off any sludge that has no basis with divine treasure.

As I woke up from my dream, I spent sometime pondering on the interpretation of what I saw. I have come to a conclusion that those who understand the verses of eternal wisdom should stand at the mountain top and cry out to the foolish. Tell the foolish that they can’t walk on the road of ease; the broad road, and expect to end up on the throne of grace. The platform of beauty is only reserved for those who pay the price. To buy treasures, you cannot price them cheap. Any cheap treasure is only an imitation. Home may be hostile, but we have a chance to make it peaceful, if we pay the price to get the prize!

Monday 25 April 2011


Kenneth Nkemnacho

As we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, I feel that I should put something on paper that may not necessarily be religious but draws its inspiration from the only Holy Book I know; The Bible. Scrolling through the pages of divine inspiration, one can see that life goes beyond the irritability of the human skin; it is spiritual before being physical. Physicality has a dimension controlled from the inner portraits of existence. Therefore, a portrait of inner peace is a reflection of physical calm. When the heart is still, the body will definitely be still. Stillness comes with no impurities. Stillness comes with no aspersions. Stillness comes with sincerity of heart and purpose.

I agree that I have a repertoire of historical background, but from this acrimony, I am able to draw strength and believe that everyone can be a winner if everyone turns clay into pots. Life is a potter. Life makes and shapes, if we submit to its art gallery. The Man at the gallery has the fingers of creativity; He fashions, fathoms, and functions. The functionality of the invincible is the courage we have to dare walk the stages with grace even in faze.  Are you disconcerted? Are you mourning? Dry your tears because a being came like a lightening to take off the stone from the Saviour’s tomb. I can’t be in the grave because I saw a wailer sitting on the tomb stone.

Saturday 9 April 2011

Who is Scared of the Escalator?

Kenneth Nkemnacho

I remember some decades ago as a little child who came from one of the country sides in my native homeland. I was always excited about going on holidays. Going to spend a few weeks in a major city in my country was as exciting as being given a surprise monetary package. In those interesting days, going to the city for even one day was a rare opportunity. So, when the privilege comes, the little children in the house jump at it like a magnetic force.

The night before the journey was always full of frenzy; we had sleepless nights, overjoyed that we were going to ride on beautiful coaches, and so on. In the morning of the journey, worse than Apostle Peter, we deny ourselves sleep more than three times before the cock crow. To gather our belongings, we needed no external motivation; luggages were neatly packed and well arranged without adult incursion. As early as 5.00am, we will be awake to have our bath; a corner in front of the house was our bathroom. In those days and till date, so many people didn’t have places they call proper bathrooms.

On our way to the big city, we would read the contents of all the billboards on the highway. When I look back, I do wonder how we were able to learn and grasp academic understanding, because if the findings of Psychology research were to be put into consideration, we wouldn’t be counted among the living. These days, when I embark on some of my deep pondering, I do wonder why those who exist in the city of the living make excuses why they cannot get out of the bottom of life. I have come to realise that the human philosophy create ghettoes out of the city in order to give excuses for dying. Sometimes, people carve a sympathy statute out of the mahogany of existence to promote a stupendous indolence. There are those who are comfortable with dwelling at the pit of the hierarchy of life because that is where their resources come from. How can a child in the Western world not be able to read and write? Which excuses can be given for a person exposed to all the technologies of education, yet unable to spell Jack? Some people come in the name of experts to explain what their conscience knows, shouldn’t be explained. The worst School in Peckham in terms of facilities is better than most of the best Schools in Africa, yet, the African child will come out fighting but the European or American child who may even be of African origin will step out mourning. In that scenario, parents blame the government, and the government blame the teachers. My belief is that the foundation of character is what determines the construction of life. When the home is weak, the child will be weak; when parents neglect discipline, the outcome of their action disciplines them in a pitiable way. If you don’t whip the mind of a child, the mind of that child will whip him when he grows up.

Back to the journey, arriving in the city was fun…big big fun. For children who weren’t used to watching television because there was none, beholding that rectangular box was like having a vision of the third heaven. We watched almost everything on television including listening to news that we didn’t understand and watching American movies that we couldn’t pick the accent. In my days as a child, parents were confident of what their children saw on television; there was hardly any parental control. Unlike these days, civilisation has overtaken common sense; you even have to be wary of the commercials that your children watch on the screen. In a bid to win the audience, nudity has become an attractive force in the field of advertising. Don’t even mention the movies because there is a complete loss of sanity. Talking about sanity, the culture of dressing has become the culture of nakedness; the mindset that if you’re not naked you’re not beautiful is evil. The unfortunate thing is that this practise has crept into the church, who should be the epitome of decency. We should realise that true beauty is not measured on the scale of nudity; true beauty is the beauty of the heart expressed in godly character.

Weekends in the city were always exciting and full of expectations. One of the things I loved most during weekend was us being taken to some top class supermarkets for window shopping. My interest in those superstores was because of the escalators; I loved escalators because they gave me goose pimples. It was always frightening to go on the escalator since we weren’t used to it. So, before climbing, we needed to do some mental motivation in order to gather the momentum just to go on an escalator. When I compare the children in some parts of Asia and Africa with those in the west, the variance in the standard of living is beyond my mathematical comprehension. Most children in the west don’t appreciate what they have. I reflect on that anytime I force my children to take breakfast or eat some healthy fruits. I do always wonder why a child should cry because he or she was asked to eat. When I see that happen, the first thought that comes to my mind is, ‘There are children today who are dying of starvation and malnutrition. There are people now as we sit or stand, are praying to God almighty to have a meal’. I can never forget the message that one of my musician friends posted on Facebook. He said, while walking  through the street of one of the towns in Angola, he was eating fried fish, and as he threw the bone on the ground, a little child rushed down to pick it up and started eating. He said that he started crying.

As we take a walk through the streets of life, we should realise that there are people presently eating out of the vomit of others. We must not take the privileges we have for granted. It is so easy to lose focus when you’re in a state of comfort. A times, when I see ignorant people tell the Africans, Asians or other immigrants to go back to their countries, I just say to myself, ‘ they’ve never been there, they may never be there. It takes those who are there to know what it takes to be there’. I say to all who have been there, never forget that you were once there. If you forget the genesis you can’t get the revelation. If you forget the background you can’t get the colour right; if you do not get it right, your finishing touches will be dismal.

Hey, I’m not scared of the escalator, which is why I will always stick my head out to stand for what I believe. Don’t be lost in transit otherwise you won’t get to your desired destination. The destination of life must be the basis of our existence. The destination of life must be our focus as we fly on the jet to the place of purpose. Are you scared of the escalator?

Friday 25 March 2011


In my book, ‘finding real purpose’, I bring to you the basic understanding, practical steps, and the benefits of finding real purpose. Those who find real purpose walk in divine destiny. Those who walk in divine purpose are co-workers with the God of fulfilment.To understand how to change your platform and live a life of fulfilment, get your own copy of ‘finding real purpose’ !

Pillars and Precepts of life

To know the pillars on which a solid foundation can be built upon, you must come to the knowledge of what these pillars are. These pillars identify the precepts and principles for climbing to the top of eternalladders of success. Pillars and precepts of Life offers seven strong pillars which include, consciousness, sensitivity, importunity, and so on. For more information on how to obtain a copy of this life changing Book, visit

Saturday 5 March 2011

pillars and Precepts of life

'In March 1, 1992, the legendary Ghanaian Boxer Azumah Nelson, after defeating the Australian Boxer, Jeff Fenech made a statement that I will never forget.  He said, ‘No one can fight me twice and win’.  I held that for life, and I’m still holding on to it.  If you rise up to say, ‘No affliction can fight me twice and win’, so shall it be.  It doesn’t matter what the affliction is, you are more than a conqueror.'
From the Book, 'Pillars and Precepts of life'.......Watch out....March 2011

Wednesday 2 March 2011

THE PILLARS AND PRECEPTS OF LIFE....Guiding Principles for Higher Dimension Living

‘Importunity is an attitude that provokes provision.  It irritates the custodian of availability into urgently releasing a positive response to the requestor.  It is earnest, instantaneous, pressing, urgent, solicitous, disturbing, and imperative.’ 
THE PILLARS AND PRECEPTS OF LIFE....Guiding Principles for Higher Dimension Living ......March 2011....Watch out 


When your purpose becomes a mystery of godliness, it will be undaunted and undoubted. A purpose that is an object of divine interest is never controversial. A divine purpose pursued with the heart of justification, will manifest in the flesh. At the end of that purpose, it will be received up in glory.


Sunday 27 February 2011

THE PILLARS AND PRECEPTS OF LIFE....Guiding Principles for Higher Dimension Living

'Sensitivity is a detector.  It is the power of measurement.  It will help you sense and manage differences, no matter how negligible they appear to be .When sensitivity sends you a signal take notice of it.  No sensitive person is a wanderer.'
from the Book, 'THE PILLARS AND PRECEPTS OF LIFE....Guiding Principles for Higher Dimension Living .......March 2011......Watch out


'When you know the conclusion, you picture the expectation. Destiny is an expectation. Your destiny should be a good secret revealed in your divine purpose. Following the revelation of good secrecy helps you live a quality life to the fullest. Divine purpose is rewarding.'
From the Book, 'FINDING REAL PURPOSE'......................March 2011.......Watch out

Saturday 26 February 2011

THE PILLARS AND PRECEPTS OF LIFE....Guiding Principles for Higher Dimension Living

Consciousness is the attitude that puts you in the vanguard of awakening, awareness, and alertness.  Consciousness gives you the mental focus needed to relate with the spiritual and physical realms.  We will become better in dealing with responsibilities, if we maintain consciousness.  In today’s world, we can’t afford to sleep, or feign ignorance in recognising our own identities or the identities of those we manage.  A life without consciousness is a life without conscience. 

from the book, 'THE PILLARS AND PRECEPTS OF LIFE......guiding principles for higher dimension living....coming soon.....march 2011

Friday 25 February 2011

THE PILLARS AND PRECEPTS OF LIFE....Guiding Principles for Higher Dimension Living

'Consciousness is the attitude that puts you in the vanguard of awakening, awareness, and alertness.  Consciousness gives you the mental focus needed to relate with the spiritual and physical realms.  We will become better in dealing with responsibilities, if we maintain consciousness.  In today’s world, we can’t afford to sleep, or feign ignorance in recognising our own identities or the identities of those we manage.  A life without consciousness is a life without conscience.'

From the Book, 'THE PILLARS AND PRECEPTS OF LIFE....Guiding Principles for Higher Dimension Living'. COMING SOON.....MARCH 2011


'A purpose with a design is a purpose with a destination. The design of a purpose is the picture painted or printed on paper or the mind. It is the plan written in black and white, or constructively imagined on the screens of the mind. A design is a motivator and an inspiration that drives you towards achieving your set goals. Beholding the design gives you an idea of how much effort you’re putting in towards fulfilling your divine mandate.'
This quote is from the Book, 'FINDING REAL PURPOSE'.....coming soon....March 2011