Thursday 3 May 2012

Tips on Marriages

1. Never ever wish you were married to another person. Stick to what you have; make it beautiful. Where there is peace, someone paid the price.
2. Some marriages have fallen apart because courtship was full of cosmetics. Make-ups don't make marriages; truth does. Open up; tell exactly how things are; don't try to be a star if you're a candle light. It is truth that takes you up; cosmetics bring you down when your secrets are exposed. BE REAL, but be nice! This is my personal experience from my very few years of marriage.
3. King Solomon said you should put a knife to your neck if you're a glutton. You can't be married and be a reckless spender. Only buy what you need not what you want. If some shops are doing sale, ask yourself if you actually need their goods. If you don't, close your eyes and walk pass.
4. Marriages get broken because of two individuals with each having its own personality problem. Two people can only be ONE if each person dies to self. I talk from personal experience in my very few years of marriage.
5. Nobody is born wise; wisdom is learned and cultivated. If your spouse is foolish; he/she can learn wisdom. All you need to do is, create an environment of peace and proper communication. Without that, you can't have a teachable environment.
6.I discovered from my few years of marriage that pure motive, truth, honesty, and willingness to accept positive changes make good marriages. Apart from these, all other things are secondary.

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